"Sea Fari"
Our last part of the trip, except for the "Poetry Reading" (miniature golf), was the "Sea Fari". We boarded the ship Tiger Shark and sailed out onto Nantucket Sound. While we were leaving the shore we set two lobster traps which I stuffed two fish into. The special thing about a Sound is that it is a shallow body of water. Since it was shallow we dropped a net. After about a minute we pulled it back up again to see what we had caught. I thought that we were only going to catch rocks, but to my surprise we caught all different types of crabs such as the spider crab and different types of mollusks. We even caught a rare crab that Mike, the captain, said he only caught about once a year. On the way back we checked the lobster traps, but unfortunately we did not catch any lobsters. Before we got off Mike asked us random questions like what is the tallest mountian which was K2 and what shark kills the most people each year which was the bull shark.
